Is it possible to set up a default editing tool or a specific feature when the video editor opens on iOS?

Yes. It is possible to choose which editing tool or feature will open as the user starts the app, or be the default tool/feature.

To choose your default editing tool or feature, override VideoEditViewController and call presentTool method onAppear

class CustomVideoEditViewController: VideoEditViewController {
  override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    if let tool = ToolMenuItem.createTextToolItem() { // Or any other tool here!
      super.presentTool(for: tool)

Then you need to register this custom class somewhere where it's executed ONLY ONCE  (e.g. where the license is applied) like this:

do {
    try IMGLY.replaceClass(VideoEditViewController.self, with: CustomVideoEditViewController.self)
  } catch {


For more customization possibilities check out our documentation for PhotoEditor SDK and VideoEditor SDK